

This is the list of films and short films on Cinemabreve.org. You can find the technical file, the cast and the link to watch the movie.

Urbem (2025) Drama
by Francesco Cerreti
- 20'
trending_up 71
LOCKDOWN (2025) Horror
by Mattia Todeschini
- 20'
trending_up 225
Another Judgment Day (2025)
by Livio Fornoni
- 32'
trending_up 197
Video-Poesia: "Tutti meritano la vita" di Bruno Montefalcone (2025) Historian
by Antonio Montefalcone
- 3'
trending_up 1,519 emoji_events
ASH (2025) Animation
by Enrico Adinolfi
- 7'
trending_up 233 emoji_events
Qualunque Cosa Accada (2025) Drama
by Filippo Ruggieri
- 86'
trending_up 440
Domenica x sempre (2025) Drama
by Simone Polito
- 20'
trending_up 277
L'ornitologa (2025) Drama
by Valentina Pietrarca
- 20'
trending_up 1,064
Lonely Fans (2025) Drama
by Fabrizio Pesaro
- 25'
trending_up 1,090
Wayne the Batman (2024) Action
- 7'
trending_up 182
Il vento dei ricordi (2024) Drama
by Michele Raimondo Guidacci
- 27'
trending_up 210 emoji_events
URSSus e gli Infedeli: Amandoti (2024) Drama
by Flavio Sciolè
- 5'
trending_up 245
Syndrome (2024) Horror
by Daniel Lama, Alessandro Sivieri
- 45'
trending_up 226
Destinity (2024) Science Fiction
by Fabio Mascia
- 8'
trending_up 367
La Ragazza Fantasma (2024) Thriller
by Stefano Giammorcaro
- 13'
trending_up 385 emoji_events
12.34 Episodio 2 (..se ne sono andati tutti..) (2024) Science Fiction
by The A.O.
- 6'
trending_up 472
12.34 Episodio 1 (ore prima) (2024) Science Fiction
by Pietro Boves
- 6'
trending_up 494
Savoir Faire (2024) Comedy
by Edoardo Cocco
- 72'
trending_up 651
Suspanse (2024) Horror
by Fabio Mascia
- 9'
trending_up 654
TRIO (2024) Drama
by Luigi Il Grande
- 22'
trending_up 790 emoji_events
DISTIMIA (2024) Drama
by Riccardo Avitabile
- 12'
trending_up 849 emoji_events
Ho Visto un Sogno (2024) Drama
by Carlo Della Volpe
- 0'
trending_up 1,126
Doll (2024) Horror
by Fabio Mascia
- 5'
trending_up 834
Sono solo ragazzi (2024) Drama
by Nicolò Francesco Stucchi
- 18'
trending_up 748
Er Giorno Particolare (2024) Drama
by Filippo Ruggieri
- 20'
trending_up 720
Faccia a faccia (2024) Thriller
by Roberto Pietro Repetti
- 13'
trending_up 1,095
NOVANTA (2024) Drama
by Generoso Ronga
- 15'
trending_up 1,075 emoji_events
Il segreto di Arlecchino (2024) Fantasy-Fantasy
by Antonio Candalice
- 15'
trending_up 795
L’ultimo Sogno (2024) Drama
by Davide Maria Marucci
- 20'
trending_up 1,125 emoji_events
Girotondi Pericolosi (2024) Drama
by Luca Campaniello
- 5'
trending_up 1,019